Dr.med. Vitalii Ianchenko
Office phone +38 044 569 28 28
Mobile +380972871489
e-mail: ianchenkovit@gmail.com
Scientific Accomplishments:
• Ph.D. Degree “Clinical, morphological, biochemical and morphometrics characteristics of
hepatitis C” in 2012
• 21 publications, three copyrights of them (Computer program for minimally invasive
method of determining the IGA and GIS in the parenchyma of the liver), 3 patents
• Internship at the German Medical Institute (DMI) in Berlin in Sept. 2014
Work Experience:
2014 - till now Leading Consultant on Hepatology and Infectious Diseases at the International Medical Centre (IMC) of the German Medical Institute in Berlin
2009 - till now Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after L.V.Gromashevskiy Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine., Department of hepatitis and AIDS, Scientific Researcher
2009 - till now Consultant on Hipotology and Infectious Diseases at the Academy of Medical Science and Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine
2000-2009 Junior Researcher Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after L.V.Gromashevskiy Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Department of hepatitis and AIDS
1998-2000 National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L.Shupyk Clinical hospital # 4, Kiev, Ukraine, Clinical Residency infectious diseases
1998 Doctor Infectionist at the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Polyclinic of the Kharkov District of Kiev
1997-1998 National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L.Shupyk – The Chair of Infectious Diseases (Clinical hospital # 4, Kiev, Ukraine). An Internist
1996-1997 The Department of Infections Diseases and Reanimation of the Main Military Clinical Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine. Anaesthetist’s Assistant
1994-1996 The Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology named after Strazhesko, Anaesthetist’s Assistant
Scientific Activities:
• Studying the connection between clinic, morphological and morphometric data in patients with chronic C and B hepatitis.
• Studying of virus-induced liver steatosis in patients with chronic C hepatitis with different genotypes depending on comorbidities (diabetes and obesity).
• Studying morphological changes in the liver in patients with chronic C hepatitis, depending on the gen polymorphism IL28B in Ukraine.
• Treatment of patients with chronic B, B+D hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis and storage diseases at different stages of fibrosis.
I have regularly attended at International Scientific Conferences on Hepatology and Infectious Diseases and made presentations since 2005 (including Holland, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Moscow, Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus).
I have successfully performed more than 500 liver biopsies from 2002.
Professional Memberships:
• European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
• Kiev Association of Iinfectious Diseases
Languages: Good English, read and translate Germany, fluent Ukrainian and Russian
Certificate - Managing HCV in Liver Transplant with new DAA